essay writing prompts

How write an essay in a few hours: wise tips to save your time

Every student writes essay in his academic career. Whether he is in his early grades, a student of middle school or even if promoted to a university, he will have to write essays of different types. Every essay is different from the other, some are comparative essays, others are argumentative, some are admission essays, and others are descriptive essays. Students usually attempt all kinds of essay during their student life. However, these essays need time.

What if you are supposed to write an essay in few hours, how will you manage if there are a few hundred minutes left in the final deadline for your essay? What is the ideal process to complete an essay within limited time? Every student wants to have an answer to these questions. Many students face such situations when they have very short time to complete their essay. In such a situation, you need to value each minute and work in an organized manner.

Select your area of interest

Rather than thinking about a vast subject, quickly break down your subject to sub categories. You can easily pick one category for which you have enough information. You can make a wise choice by giving a minute or two to each category and figuring out which one interests you the most.

Carry out research

After you have a certain area or category to work on, you can search more about this division. It will save time because you are only going to find out more about one certain category rather than focusing overall subject. Many students do not know how to research in the right direction and get lost among tons of information. Stick to your category and do not think about relevant searches. You will have all the time in the world to figure the relevant and irrelevant data after you finish your essay.

Decide on a catchy topic or title for your essay

It is very important that the topic of your essay is catchy enough. You need to select a topic that is unique and catchy at the same time.

After you decide on a topic, the rest is simple

  • Plan the outline of your essay
  • Keep relevant data together
  • Write a rough draft
  • Create introduction
  • Write the body
  • Conclude your essay
  • Edit and proof read your essay